
i agree..

I think that’s the key here.. He is extremely talented, but a bit too “show-off-ey” for my taste.

all for Lotus bringing back the pay to drive, please raise your hands

audi rs6 wagon!!! repeat after me!!! Audi rs6 wagon!!

Oh, stop worrying!! I will take the Focus RS RX off of you!!

Just some ideas.. not very good, but hey, drawing cars makes class go quicker!!!

I have an idea to solve it all!! Take these hybrids away and for goodness sake bring back the 70s roaring engines!!!

WHAT is happening with those lights?! They look terrible, I just do not understand... I get it, it’s not a “driver’s car” but I mean still... they could do someethingg better!!

I cannot stand this whole idea that the more exhaust pipes you have, the faster the car is. Literally, it serves no point to put extra exhaust tips on a car if they aren’t needed!! (ehm... M3 I am talking about you!!) I just do not understand how more exhaust tips = faster cars (yes, if needed, I understand), but

Let’s face it America... we are losing the car game to Europe... big time..

This is sheer brilliance! I am all for it!!!!

exactly what I was thinking

I have said it 1000 times, and I will say it again, I adore these cars. They are quirky, and fabulous..

ah, the world’s fastest car according to the old Top Gear!! I took a nice, and rather quick drive, arguably too quick, drive in the countryside of Italy in a beautiful new Alfa Romeo. Let’s just say, I do not think that car had been driven like that before, and probably will never be driven like that again..

Do you think that qualifies as a pet? If so, sign me up...

I’ll rent them my driveway... one one condition... wave the import rule and give me one please!!

Bring the headlights back!!! Bring the headlights back!! I beg of you!!!