
oh the Karma... I simply do not understand this car.. To me, the front grill looks like a mustache and I cannot look at the car without thinking about it!!

this makes my heart happy, glad everyone is safe, the cars are safe, the house, and the owner as well!!

I mean this car is gorgeous... I have a secret love of wagons, and this one is just perfect

I have to agree with you on this one..

I did not mean that he could have stopped his house from flooding, I was merely applauding his creativity!!

I applaud his car priorities! Although his house may be swimming in a few feet of water (hopefully with insurance and arm swimmies), his cars are alive and thriving. Maybe he can live in those? 

The short answer is yes. In fact, I absolutely despise those buttons of idiocy. Look, I get the appeal.. “It saves gas, it saves the world,” but I hate to say it, but frankly, I don’t care. There is NOTHING more annoying to me than when you are driving in traffic, and you come to a stop because the idiot prius driver