
So one forgettable tie-in outweighs all the good ones?

I mean the Hydra stuff alone more than justifies AoS place in the MCU. The movies basically tossed that plot aside after Winter Soldier.

Boy, they’re really milking this Deke is FitzSimmons grandson thing. This is the fourth episode in a row where its been used for a big reveal moment at or near the end of the episode.

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No, it was because Disney Execs saw The Book of Henry.

You’re right, a movie as great as TLJ would have been an impossible act for a middling director like Trevorrow to follow. Good point.

Which raises the bigger question of why studios keep playing franchise musical chairs with the same dozen white dudes when there’s a whole world of other options out there.

Working ‘feverishly’ on one’s mental health seems counterproductive.

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Dammit, this really sucks. And that lawyer’s defense is garbage even if it’s true.

It’s strange to see this come out as was just listening/watching this Howard Stern appearance from 1995 for the first time last week.

How is mocking his awful tattoo considered favorable reporting?

Goodness, where to even begin with all this? I guess at the beginning:

Not being forced to tolerate constant, sock-puppet amplified bad faith trolling is not coalescing into a group think hive mind, you clyde. It’s deliberate community building.

Tonight, on Smartline: the AV Club unionizing, argle bargle or fooforaw?

In its own way, it was a better Indiana Jones adventure than his last Indiana Jones adventure.

If The Adventures Of Tintin and The BFG suggested that the director’s craftsmanship rarely extends to entirely CGI worlds, this IMAX-scaled spectacle begs to differ

I have this horrible vision of George Lucas promising his fortune to anyone sufficiently immersed in Buck Rogers and old time radio shows.

I always had the same problem with Star Trek, where characters often have these nostalgic obsessions - film noir, movie serials, Westerns, Sherlock Holmes, Gilbert and Sullivan - but only as long that nostalgic thing is pre-21st century. Does the Federation just really suck at coming up with new pop culture? Were

The thing to understand is that the 80’s obsession isn’t a thing that naturally happens.

No I’d actually agree with that statement. This season has a crap tonne of plot holes and characters making really poor choices just so the plot can happen.

Actually, it’s soap opera and sitcom shorthand for a pregnancy. Who gets pregnant in Disney properties? I thought Disney babies arrive via cartoon stork, no fuss, no muss.

Thinking about I’d say this about half a really strong episode and half kind of meh. The whole plot with Hale and everyone else was definitely the weak link in all this with fairly predictable outcomes (even considering I saw the promo) and yeah kind of lame that we’re involving HYDRA in stuff AGAIN. If we get S6

These guys really were unimpeachable comic geniuses. And Terry Gilliam.