
I think “supporting” characters would have been more accurate

Apropos of nothing, but that Old Spice’s Invisible World ad post (or whatever the hell it is) would have become an AV Club meme of legend within like two minutes of it popping up in the AV Club of old. But in Kinja, it will just the rain.

It took me like 5 minutes to even find the WOT post, as the homepage just seems to randomly list new and old things in no particular order, and there is no /recent page.

It does matter. They’re not the ones making the claim, and technically neither did Tig Notaro.

Thanks very much for this. I still feel like shit about everything, but I feel like a different kind of shit about everything.

They went from a really simple list of TV reviews listed on the main page to, ‘hey, hopefully you catch it when we post it.’

The problem is that there isn’t any navigation. Just top nav on the root level, but after that you’re on your own. Maybe remove the “you may also like” section that literally no one will use and use that real estate for some actual navigation

I’m way more disappointed in the way kinja buries features and reviews than in the comment system.

But for realsies - the Kinjapocalypse is only half the story.

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.