
"Some of you got mad I spent so much time on “time” last week, but when the entirety of Dany’s Dothraki army caught up to Jaime’s forces before they made it back to King’s Landing, my brain broke all over again." I have very little confidence in my understanding of the geography at this point, so I'm very open to

As someone pointed out that was just Tyrion's spitball, but even if that holds true in the book it wouldn't surprise me if they're going to change it to someone else since apparently they're making it a relevant plot detail again

People would have rioted in the streets but honestly it would have been the most awesome shock ending ever if Jaime was burned alive but still managed to put a spear through Dany in the process

Like, couldn't they have at least had Bronn come out of that with face burn similar to the Hound to make it a little less crazy they apparently came out of that physically unscathed?

Hmm- Drogon was named after Khal Drogo, who was (basically) killed by an infection to a minor wound….

Okay, while that was by far the best episode of the season so far by far, that was also some unprecedented for the show plot armor on Jaimie and Bronn. No bloody way they could both make it out of that situation. I wasn't sure who tackled Jaimie at the end, but I hope it was Rickon or a rando because I also think

Sony's one real success story of the summer and it flips back against them

Yes, but every time this has happened it was something a lot of people predicted in advance because it was obvious there was still more to that character's story. I'm just saying , it's not an issue "did we see a dead body or not," it's a matter of "is there a reason the writers might be faking this character's death

I hate this whole "if we don't see a body we can't assume they're dead!" thing. If it's implied they died and there's not really a reasonable story reason for the character to come back, they're dead.

I think it's more likely she'll take the face of that one handmaiden Cersei has had for like six seasons. She's like an unintentional placed chekhov's gun now

Yeah, I think near the end they'll get some lip service near the end of the series like "we're legitimizing Elia Sand and making her Princess of Dorne" just to not have who the hell is ruling Dorne now be a big loose end, but I they clearly are trying to get past the whole failed Dorne storyline

I would like for David Bowie to have the played the main character in my life, me

"It's so hard to explain the passage of titles from one person to another. It's not as if we live in a society entirely built off that concept"

The fact that we're half way into the season and everything has gone great for her probably indicates that she's completely fucked. Narrative momentum has to go the other direction now.

I don't find it hard to accept that no one actually cares that much about the Night's Watch and their vows. Ned did care enough to execute dudes, but Ned was Ned.

He loses all his monologing powers when force to exclusively speak to people who already know his whole shtick (Sansa) or who aren't bright enough to throw some clever retorts back (Jon). Varys and Melisandre's conversation on the other hand was pretty great and reminded me of their old spars.

The first half of the episode felt weak too me- it sort of lived to the fear that there's no way they could have written such a long anticipated meeting and have it feel like it actually lived up to the hype. A lot of drawn out, underwhelming conversations. The final sequence was really great though. The fall of two

What an incredible career

Thinking over the "that's not you" line, I think what it want meant was that Arya's proposal for Nymeria to come home to Winterfell would not have been her- she's been a wild wolf most of her life at this point, she can't suddenly go back to being domesticated pet and ride home to Winterfell with Arya. What I'm not

Capaldi's quote on the Gattis role was that it was a "resonant echo," which to me sounds like a relative (most likely father) of the Brigadier, not the man himself.