
Now I wonder what's up with this...

Jalopnik/ foxtrot alpha really need a Canadian history lesson

American objectives:

You have to take the long view. We're still here, and they're still back over there.

Defeating the British?

"NEXT TRACK: RAILROAD." And then it switches to railroad mode, and grows train wheels.

Is it weird that when I read "next track button" I thought it must have been some fancy mode for the 4WD system?

Then I thought about it more and promptly facepalmed.

Can you imagine you are out on the track, doing your best in whatever your vehicle is, and then this madman comes up in your rear-view...sideways?!?

VLC encountered a problem with Windows

Nooo! Not a Gladiator :(

This guy wins.

Dat scooter.

Self driving cars? I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.

Ah, so that's where Monty Python's desk ended up.

The Vaught XF5U Flyin' Flapjack.

I think at that point I'd just ask for the tow truck to come give me a ride.

the BMW Driver around 0:20 is lucky as hell