
These micro-aggressions, aimed at breaking black people/POC down, just for the fun of it; for the racist fun of it, cannot be tolerated. White people have no idea how this impacts people of color. It’s like the smiling white men and women craning their necks to get in the picture of the swinging corpse of lynched and

in his defense they bucked at giving him the long term contract they could have after his rookie deal and almost lost him to Charlotte. 

Sorry but Kentucky has Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell as senators so calling them enlightened is definitely a stretch.

Forget the belittling of calling a grown man ‘boy’.
This guys talking to Russ like he’s his slave, dancing for him, plain and simple.

Lots of Jazz fans come up from Utah County and the south Salt Lake Valley, and there is no fucking shortage of horrific racism down there. Many of them will give latinos a pass on the theory that some of them are Mormon converts, but black folks are not tolerated.

“’d think NBA fans would skew more progressive than than the general population...”

i agree 100% the booing is stupid. but just to clarify. hayward took LESS money to join the celtics. it was not a better contract. and it wasn’t so much that he left it was how. jazz would have loved to get a heads up, a la paul george, etc. but he led on like he was going to stay. right up to very end when his

Admittedly I am painting with a very broad brush here, but many Utah whites seem like the type of people who would say, “I have no problem with black people!” while thinking, as long as they keep their pants pulled up and don’t listen to loud hippity hop and use proper English.”

The city is great, but most of the racist fans live in the suburbs. Just like Boston, Philly, Atlanta, and Minneapolis.

Steve Smith needs to chill the tough guy act now that his career is over. 

They killed his father.


It's a commentary on Trump's aluminum tariff. 

Clipboards in 7

I watched this game and from the get go there was referee frustration growing. How about the Steph Curry pump fake defender jumps into him on the shot 3 and they Gave out of bounds. The very next play Dame does pump fake into shot and he gets free throws. To me that’s where the frustration was building. At the end it

You’re looking at it wrong. It was, amazingly, kind of barely a foul when seen in slow motion.

Are the clipboards going to go on a 3-0 streak now to take the series?

NBA refs are so shit lol

I’m not a Draymond apologist typically, but that call is horseshit. He definitely fouled him, but he was going for the ball (and got a lot of it!) and never made contact with his head.