
Funny how they are hiding behind the promise of anonymity to take shots at the guy who’s doing this in front of the American public.... How American......

He reiterated that he’s seen pictures of his father and his immediate family, all of whom are White. “The only contact I had growing up was with my mom’s side of the family. And they are all as white as the refrigerator I’m standing in front of right now.” However, Tirico has recently admitted that he is the product



The same Kobe Bryant that was crying on the radio to force himself out of LA until Jerry West was able to get a trade for Pau? That Kobe?

No OKC is not the place to be if you're a rich, young Black male. It has no night life (Bricktown, Really) , no culture (Cowboy Hall of Fame Ya'll). Don't try to make OKC what it isn't. I ran away from that place ass soon as I could. S/o to Uncle Sam for that..... Plus it doesn't help that it's a bastion of ignorance,

You mad or are you angry?

SportsNation is an abomination unto our eyes, ears and brains...

Nothing like pre-emptive outrage censorship

Just heard the interview and DM isn't wrong at all....

So they have problems with the children of United States Military servicemen and women, nice.....

Both of her examples are the children of veterans.....

Very similar....

Everyone is tired of Booby Stoopids whining and bitching so hopefully he gets blown the fuck out like he did last year......

Or these Billy Badasses could enlist in the military and "go fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here." But that would mean that they would have to actually ya know, sacrifice and serve or something......

Not in today's climate of shoot first and ask questions later.....

$300,000 over three years for a child?

1. Does the mom work? Did she ever work?

Former NFL Star? Really???? Don't they mean former NFL player. He was far from a star. But whatever to get clicks......

Yeah there’s no way to find out anything about the lady in question....

NICE!!!!!! Beefy??????
