
Yep, American sport fans don’t usually follow Track and Field until the Olympics and when their own are habitual cheaters, well.................. USA USA USA USA USA USA.......

Well his name is in the public as well. So there's that......

That was beyond criminal.

So the new rules are that to get shit swept under the rug is to beat a woman and her child, not just one? It has to be a two for one special......

To bad he's not going after Wall Street like this.... or the NCAA.... Oh well....

Korea cheating? Bullshit.

He’s a shock artist who isn't shocking. A bitter old man who hates life.

Not a follower of Rand Paul, detests him and his bumper sticker talking points policies. I see what you're saying however.

Ummmmmmm, you may want to check the last three words that I was replying to in your comment.....

Key words, *in this country.

Agreed, but one shitty thing has been happening a while longer than the other and one has ya know an affect on the American people

How many of those of those Wall Street criminals spent time in prison?

Hmmmm, this administration going after corruption at the global scale, huh??? Can’t wait for those indictments to come down on the heads of Wall Street, and the backers of TPP.... Or at least the NCAA, and David Stern.....

Can't wait for Beadle and Olbermann to whine about this.....

What’s this, the 18th “Floyd is a piece of shit” article by Deadspin? Okay, we get it, he’s a piece of shit. Let him and his “victims” deal with his piece of shit ways.