
Thanks for the fun today, Wendy!

Yeah, AcidReign, you don't have to explain yourself. Your comment was the funniest of the bunch — well, next to katana's damage control following his brutal third-degree burn.

In my experience, it also helps if you blink as little as possible.

"But, I don't advocate posting fake security things that could, quite literally, get someone killed if they actually tried it in their homes (to 'defend' themselves)."

My favorite part of April Fool's Day is always the people bitching about the April Fool's Day posts. It's so funny to watch people try to trick me into thinking their life is so important that they are put out by a day's worth of silly blog posts. (This year it's on a Sunday, so it'll be especially difficult to

@katana: That's the point of April Fool's. Nobody screams "April Fool's" before the joke. You're supposed to be fooled. And you just got burned!

I'll second the request for a MythTV article. I'm happy with TiVo, but I always try to keep apprised of the alternatives, plus a MythTV setup potentially offers the fun of DIY tweaks. The one reason I haven't switched: HDTV adds a whole extra layer of complications and restrictions, and I'll never go back to SD.

@psychboy: D'oh. I was worried about that.

Wow, very cool tip. This will come in handy when I want to play games like Civ IV on the road. I won't have to worry about carrying the CD around all the time.

The 3 GB limit applies to MacBooks, too. Here are the details. Apple is one of few companies decent enough to tell customers that while the hardware can handle 4 GB, the intalled OS will only address 3 GB to avoid memory overlapping. Paulcrist got it exactly right. Even the BusinessWeek columnist makes it sound as if

@conigs: Clever! That nails it.

@scottjl: Just so there's no confusion for people reading through the comments, it's command-click, not option-click, to bring up the folder hierarchy. The "command" key is the key between the spacebar and the option key on a Mac keyboard layout. It has a symbol on it that kind of looks like the curly version of a #

I agree with Jamie. Also, the CMD-click-in-the-title-bar trick works in many applications — Word, Photoshop, even Safari, whose interpretation is very clever. Try it!

Another trick, more likely to be useful when you're working with a word-processing document, is to hold down the Command key (curly-symbol key) on a Mac or the Control key on Windows while selecting. This allows you to select non-consecutive text — for instance if you wanted to select the first and third paragraphs of

@aeon: In a word, no. It's practically impossible to get OS X to run on an actual PC, let alone a virtual one. (Some version of OS X can be made to "run" on a vanilla PC box, but it takes a lot of finicky hacks and is overall an exercise in frustration.) For most intents and purposes, OS X only runs on Apple computers.

Re: trying out the Intel-native beta — I question the wisdom of using beta software for a function as critical as backup. The absolute number-one feature you need in a backup program is reliability. Why make your data the test bed for a piece of shareware?

@Dharma: This isn't about keeping your Mac happy and healthy; it's about keeping your legs cool when you're using the Mac on your lap. And at that, it's mostly for the first generation (Core Duo, rather than Core 2 Duo) of MacBook and MacBook Pros. With the C2D models, Apple improved on the heat problem by—you guessed

monkeyboy said:

@SYFer and cv: Febreze isn't really for clothes. It's for household fabrics like your couch upholstery or drapes. Maybe they smell because you've got a smelly dog, or because you smoke too much pot in your dorm room. You could have a perfectly diligent laundry routine and still have a use for the stuff. (I don't use

Holy cow, that got out of hand fast. For the record, I was just kidding around. It seemed funny to see "MacGyver" and "homemade Febreeze [sic]" in the same title. Congrats to Narsil, though, for reaching the "get the hell off the site" point of insanity in record time.