
It seems that the standard of what qualifies as a "MacGyver" tip has really slipped. I guess I missed the episode where MacGyver had to quickly improvise a way to deodorize his living-room set in order to escape from the terrorists' lair.

Re: turkey — Chicken, beef, pork, soybeans, and other foods contain as much or more tryptophan as turkey does per serving, so turkey isn't particularly special in that regard. And the causal relationship between tryptophan-rich food and sleep is dubious at best (even when eaten on an empty stomach as the article

Don't let the somewhat clumsy "last-resort" example pictured above discourage you from reading the article, which is excellent. It's an interesting read even if you don't need to design a logo at the moment.

Wow, Simmons called this one, right down to the nature of the 8th arrest (DWI). So, Simmons got something right. One sign of the apocalypse down, six to go.

Uh, thanks for clearing that up, Dweeze. Actually was aware of the whole Google-YouTube thing. I forget where I heard about it — oh, right, everywhere.

In another chapter of our ongoing series Why Google Is Full Of Geniuses


Includes the phrase: "The Titans are stuck with Vince Young for the next three years, and they can't get rid of him, no matter how much they obviously might want to."

I voted for "pwn life," but that robot really sells the "productively lazy" tagline. Sweet-looking shirt! Props to the graphic designer.

If we're in San Diego, there's absolutely no way we let him retire as a Charger.

It would be more poignant except for the fact that a "charger" is also a horse.

C-3PO: You can usually spot the cheaters pretty easily because at the end of the round, you can click on a player's name to see which words s/he got. The cheaters are the ones who got every single long word and thus have a score 30 points higher than the field. Cheaters do pop up from time to time, but they typically

That sendoff was a lot classier than a few of the commenters who bitched and whined (unfunnily) about every. fucking. thing. today.

In all fairness, New England hasn't officially beaten Minnesota yet.

This also works if you carry two dimes plus one nickel, which weighs slightly less — sure to put a spring in your step!

I've never paid for as much software as I have with the Mac. Transmit and Office are two examples - of course, Office is costly for PC too, but the PC version was more widely available at offices I've worked at.

Yeah, Dr. Venture, I noticed that, too. So add identity theft to the list of Thurman's woes.

The MacRumors Buying Guide is a useful way to find out where Apple's product lines are in their typical upgrade cycles. Although by MacRumors' own admission, their buying recommendations should be taken with a grain of salt (as Apple's timing is never entirely predictable), it's a convenient way to see if the product

It's Cupertino's checkbook, not copy machines, that is apparently at work here, according to the CoverFlow website: