
@snitch: Windows is known for rock solid security after all.

Actually if you look at the popular Korean MMORPGs that'll give you an idea what kind of games they prefer.

I like how the disclaimer is as long as the actual announcement.

"...but this carrier-based combat plane was copied and modified after reverse-engineering a Sukhoi Su-33 built to the Ukraine."

Why is that discussions about relationships are always one sided? Hikkomori behavior is a symptom, not the cause, and there are plenty of women who subscribe to the lifestyle too, given their even dimmer hope of getting decent, self-supporting jobs than men. It's exactly this kind of tendency to single out particular

Despite the law plenty of people do own those consoles, especially the 360, given the easily pirated games and lack of a Dolphin-like emulator.

Has SE learned nothing from games with far more robust creators? This doesn't seem to have much more options than FFXI's. You're virtually guaranteed to have large fractions of the server be your twins.

Resonance of Fate demands a review! will have a field day with this eventually!

Look Bioware it's not that hard! You have two mutually exclusive camps of customers: one that wants a linear, streamlined, story-driven, "cinematic" experience, and one that wants a modern update of Baldur's Gate. Any compromise between the two can only end in tears.

I appreciate the fact that they priced it so all the DLCs so far add up to 1600. Also on the PC version you own it to yourself to try out the "More Choices at the Pearl" mod. You know that Star Trek song describing the love between Kirk and Spock made up of cut bits of dialogue from the show? It's like that.

While we are at it why don't we demand Monopoly to be played with real money? Otherwise you'll never learn the consequence of bad financial decisions (and bad dice rolls)!

There's another term for Christian sci-fi: blasphemy.

Obligatory quip about how running a raiding guild is peanuts compared to managing a big corp in EVE.

The coffee trade is starting to sound like the drug industry, with people going to ridiculous lengths to get a hit...let's prepare for the War on Caffeine that's sure to come!

I saw Fat Princess in there...

@8thR: They'll put everything into wooden crates and then smash them at random with a crawl bar at the new place hoping to get something worthwhile, though most will be filled with useless circuit boards for some reason.

How about this, make it so that a gold account can be anchored to a console, in which case everyone can play online using that console. You may change the anchoring at any time.

And if you do it all properly your stuff will puff out of existence.