
Such bullshit. Like many things in China the laws are only selectively applied. Porn and prostitution are illegal but so widespread, and once in a while the party makes an example of someone for the simple purpose of reminding you who's in charge. Compared to that style of government even if Santorum and Palin got

Being a "sexy talent" doesn't seem to have the same stigma attached to it in Japan as in some countries.

Mobile safari can access the full site just fine. Still the mobile site looks better on the phone...wish you could comment but guess not.

Is there a way to comment on the mobile version of the site?

There are many crimes with high recidivism such as financial fraud. Do we ban TV preachers that ripped off millions from going near churches?

Seems 2ch are saying the TV Asashi screenshot may be shopped.

There better be 64 slots or no deal.

@Red_Koshinomi: Think of it not as you being punished but rather as people who manage their time better getting rewarded.

Inspired by this I've decided to forgo toilet paper. Why kill more trees when nature has given you opposable thumbs for a reason?

Hopefully this one won't contain as big a hole as galactic collision.

She's the reverse Tina Brown.

Note that this happened in April. If this trend keeps up next year this time we'll learn that China bought the State of Florida back in 2005, and NOBODY KNOWS WHY.

I see a replacement for waterboarding!

I hope the guys grandchildren will bring a copy of GT6 to his grave as an offering, because surely it's not coming out in our lifetime.

If they make the beginner levels more appetizing I might give it another try. When I did it was so chaotic and directionless I gave up after 30 mins.

It ain't Battlefield if it's got no prone. :judge:

How does anyone play this game with all the crazy text flying on screen?

One pitfall I find is that most major publishers don't care to use Steam for matchmaking, but instead rely on abominations such as Gamespy or GFWL. I guess that'll have to wait until boxed sales die down more.

@Gregory Koenig: Does it make business sense to offer good life insurance but nickle and dime your employees on actual wages, overtime, and benefits?

@taniquetil: Your expertise in how much it takes for a Chinese to commit suicide is amazing. They may have little freedom of speech and such but are conditions so bad that many in the prime of youth would kill themselves to benefit their family?