
Don't let Comcast get hold of this idea...4 people in your house? 4 broadband plans for the same line!

Kind of underhanded for them to associate the subscription to an account instead of a console. Imagine if your ISP did the same thing and everyone in your household has to buy a separate plan for accessing the same connection.

I'd say 14 is probably the most faithful to original material...

We better get the ass-less pants DLC too!

Here's hoping the AI won't be shit!

Maybe it's the eroge he's always wanted to make!

Most of these are worse than the average amateur cosplay effort...

Leave the gaming reporting to Kotaku kthx.

I played FFXI religiously for half a year, then due to school I had to quit. Come summer I wanted to resub but realized that my data would've been deleted due to inactivity, as it was their policy then, even though it struck me as somewhat crazy. I was told by POL that too that my old characters were gone. Ah well...

@eponym: I wish there were altruistic individuals like you in the world who puts maximizing corporate profit ahead of self-interest.

@springbreakbox: Let's say AT&T privately owns all the usable spectrum where you live, essentially a local monopoly, but has terrible service. What's your recourse? Move?

@Tycho Vhargon: And you'll be required to sign a 2-year contract with early termination penalty.

Most critical question: can you go prone in Vietnam?

If the devs had an ounce of imagination it would be Canada that's invading, not Korea. Or a liberal vs. conservatives civil war. Any number of scenarios are both more realistic and entertaining than this premise.

Last night the PS3 was listed for $199 on Sony Style for a while, long enough for some blogs to pick it up. Then the bastards replaced 1 with 2.

Ico crossover?

Countdown to string of Vietnamese suicides...

You apparently need half a basketball court to play Natal!

Reminds me of Nick Drake.

Infographics, making people go "why the fuck does that need a graph" since 1950.