
They should just ditch the whole ridiculous plot and get the licensing to bill this as a sequel to Metal Wolf Chaos, the greatest, Americanest, patriotic game ever made.

If the PS3 ends up with another crappy port there'll be much nerd rage.

Cue "is/is not art" argument for next 10 pages.

"...latest entry in the Xeno series of role-playing games?"

Can we have a GeForce vs. Radeon flame war when Crysis 2 comes out?

I tried to buy something from a Japanese retailer online. Even though my card went through the verified by Visa thing fine, their form validation nsisted on the card holder having a name in kana, as opposed to what's actually in store with the CC company.

Roger Ebert, the Man Who Decides What Is Art.

@algomeysa: Nowadays all games leave a certain amount of data on the console's hard drive or equivalent, so patches are applied to those areas.

Finally, someone who takes games as seriously as I do! This is why I never re-read books or watch a movie twice, and smashes my TV whenever a re-run comes up to avoid cognitive dissonance.

@cyphermagnum: Actually the suicides are catching attention even in Chinese media. The comparison with the national average is just dumb. To make sense you'd have to compare against other companies with a similar environment. After all we don't hear Toyota or Samsung workers in China killing themselves in troves.

@Taggart6 thinks you should check out #MH3Lounge: I've read that quote before. It's rather taken out of context. What Zhang Yimou, a world-famous film director, admires about North Koreans is the mass synchronized group performances they regularly put on in stadiums. He's only commenting on the ends, not the means to

Whatever happened to that rumored live action movie?

@Bgrngod: In this case it'll be perfect for a man to cosplay Kaine, if he can pull it off.

@ntereycelogy: Given that Kaine is not a directly controllable character you have to make an effort to look at her behind. Of course there are a handful of ass shots in various cutscenes but no more gratuitous than say ME2.

This is as embarrassing as a list of the greatest movies of all time voted on by readers of Preteen Weekly.

@HobbaHobba: If pirates bought games FIFA 10 would've easily sold 100's massively popular in China.

In other news FIFA 10 online service will be discontinued when FIFA Worldcup Edition is released.

How about simulator for everything?