
@Vecha: Pretty sure they are staged, just like all the chikan videos.

Kotaku is really overlooking one of the most unique and risk-taking JRPGs to come out this generation by not reviewing Resonance of Fate.

I can't wait until a Just Cause 2 inspired tragedy hit the news.

@bakudannar: So aren't manga and some of the more outlandish expressions, artistic or not, a way to vent against the conformist society?

"MacArthur secretly granted immunity to the physicians of Unit 731 in exchange for providing America with their research on biological warfare."

Seriously whoever's the VP for Pronouns at SE should be sacked. Hope, Lightning, and now Duskwight Elezen.

Judging by the cover art I'm kind of worried of being arrested if I'm seen in public with that box.

Dude, don't we already get plenty of "Japan is so messed up" comments in ANY topic about Japan?

I can see a day when PC gamers view console gamers like console gamers view iPhone gamers, if not already.

Aren't Hentai3D etc all made by a Western company?

Do you need to do this just for some authentication stage or for the video streams too? Few public proxies were intended to handle that much data.

If you believed truth in advertising, then any MMORPG trailer should simply show one character killing the same mob over and over and over again, because that's what you'll be doing for sure, especially in a a Korean MMORPG.

@Phoenix117UK: But but there's simply no decent explanation for the cuts other than they got lazy. You do want the experience to be authentic don't you? Suppose I tell you Vanille was a replacement character especially designed for Western tastes?

@qibsss: No worries they will decide what elements of their game uncultured Americans can understand and only bring those over.

@Duuuuuuude: Good Sir, what's this TAY you speak of, pray tell?

@ex_nihilo: There are exceptions, for example the recent Resonance of Fate. Lip synching isn't 100% on but the cast does such a good job I actually found the Japanese track jarring. Both are included so you can't lose.

What we really need is a WoW branded nutrient drink that comes in a bottle doubling as chamber pot. What, if you're a decent human being you should not eat Mexican food or drink 6 beers before a raid!

Can we expect a review of Resonance of Fate soon? I really think it has the potential of becoming another Demon's Souls or Valkyria Profile, if more people know about it.

Nothing about Resonance of Fate now that it's finally out? I rather think of it as the Demon's Souls of Tri-Ace games...