
All I say is they better not cheat, lest they get knifed in the skull.

How about remaking FFXIII with actual writers?

@Evdor: Just having the content doesn't mean everyone will be interested in them though. I mean what makes one raid dungeon better than the next? You get higher numbers and another recolored skin that's about it. MMOs need to focus on player interaction. Too many of them turn into long stretches of single player

Now only if gun control advocates used the same logic here in the US...

Kinda funny that Love Plus posts are usually greeted with horror and "oh Japan" while people get all excited over the possibility of better sex in Dragon Age or Mass Effect 2.

I'm guessing that the reason portable gaming is so popular is that more people are joining the working poor and unemployed ranks. It's hard to have a HD TV when you're living in a cybercafe or a weekly rental closet that goes for apartments over there.

Wait, does this mean they won't go behind our backs and release ANOTHER international edition with extra goodies that ironically will only be sold in Japan?

This makes as much sense as saying strip joints and Hustler benefits from unemployment benefit extensions.

Instead of banning the depiction totally perhaps they should just censor it like they do with private parts already. You'll only see a vague outline of a child...

Was all good until the dudes' feet started to clip through the bodies.

This game only shows how great Battlefield 2 was, something it has yet to live up to despite technological improvements.

This is extremely ironic being that the PC server browser is the spawn of Satan. Moral of the story? PC gamers don't care if you treat them like crap.

Coming soon to the Wii: Call of Duty The Golden Years.

You know, Europeans & Aussies are always looking down at Americans as culturally backward water buffaloes, so I'm glad that for this one brief moment we can proudly say "ha who's the water buffalo now?"

I recommend the 360 version personally, because getting off our fat asses to change disc might be the only physical activity for a while.

"Other terms regarding relationship orientation are not allowed."

iPad is particularly suited to eroges I must say. Would be even better if they throw in haptic feedback.

Seriously, Gundam Unicorn?! What's next, Gundam Moe?

@Alex_Mexico: Are Japanese horrible for liking moe, or should they adopt more foreign tastes?

Why don't they just strip out all references to the IP and release it as an independent game? It's not optimal but better than letting it all go to waste.