joe zenkus

reminds me of that seti cancer project.. spare some cpu cycles in the background to run molecule simulations. Perhaps if we do the same with mapping a brain, we can really speed up the process of simulating a brain once we figure out how it works. Perhaps kurzweil was right, mind transfer by 2030.. He just didn't

reminds me of (falling down)

this is the only thing that made paul simon cool. Garfunkel gave him a bad image.

Wow, $100-$170/day? Granted it's not hard work, but on the low end they're making what someone working in retail makes. I'm assuming the well paid models are those modeling clothes, not hardware

this is a sign from god, stop killing the planet (wish that was actual oil spewing out of that tower onto that lady)

there's just one flaw with this.. I don' read magazines. I get all my news online. Now perhaps a billboard ad (where I have no choice) could be interesting, but then I'd have to be a passenger in the car.

Hmm.. stretched out facing forward? this looks familiar... Oh yea, Tron cycle. See, that movie was revolutionary for 1982!

and the price is?.... oh right, I have to contact a salesman. My guess = $4k+. This article is stating I can't upload my own content to google maps, however there was an earlier article that said I can at least upload 2d aerial images (kite) to google earth.

I love that most of these comments are about killing hitler. Not one comment about giving a sports almanac to themselves.

weak claws, nothing ever in them worth winning, I gave up trying years ago

these projects are neat and all, but they always lack speed. In battle, that thing would get knocked over before it even moved it's arm up to block

though this wouldn't surprise me, are we sure these are aftermarket inkjet cartridges and not the "sample" ink cartridges that come with printers?

so how soon before there's a new rule "stuffed toys smaller than a gun only, anything larger will be thrown out"

Note to self, NEVER visit belize. What is up with Caribbean destinations suddenly being threatening? The photos they show are lies, those are dangerous places. Had a friend that moved to Costa Rica 2 years ago, he got ambushed in his own home by robbers at gunpoint, took all his valuables. paradise they are not, I

Umm, I don't know anyone that can make a turn while texting. Not that I condone texting while driving, but it's not hard to look away from the road while going straight. In fact during my high school driving course 20 years ago they purposely put their notebook in front of my face for 5 seconds (while going straight)

I don't hate this guy cuz he's fat, I hate him because he's a kid that never grew up (the day of his arrest, he had a full size inflatable tank being delivered), who buys that? And, he made money from advertising on a site that was hosting copywright content. Yes I know servers aren't free, but people clicked on his

Needs more robotic legs flailing and cameras pointed at them with black and white TV's showing the video, now let's rock it

Please please please, the only thing I would like added Mr. newmark is requiring all ads placed (free or otherwise) REQUIRE a login, possibly even a feedback rating system. It is far too easy for someone to anonymously post an ad on there without recourse. People can use it to scam, people can flag legitimate ads

I love mechanics, but this is stupid and going backwards in technology. There's a reason why we have solid state memory mp3 players to replace tape, they don't wear out. Solid state will always win over mechanical because SS doesn't wear out nearly as fast. Same reason why they gave up on headlights that fold down,

This is a great way to live.. until you get really sick, then those doctors in society come in real handy. Living free means nothing when you feel like your dying.