Well that didn’t work right, but this is my second favorite rental car scene.
Well that didn’t work right, but this is my second favorite rental car scene.
Its got a cop battery, cop bumpers, cop seats, cop lights, cop armor. It’s a model made without an ICE motor so we don’t have to worry about gas.
don’t forget to factor in a lack of oil changes, radiator flushes, transmission service (and failure) and decrease brake wear due to regen braking
This joke would’ve worked better before he went vegan and lost 60lb.
Thanks for the shout-out to Rich! He is awesome and his crusade is a noble one. He is also the one who surfaced how easy it is to get into a “This VIN Code is no longer eligible for software support” Robo-Script from Tesla tech support. You play your cards wrong on a lightly-damaged, salvage-titled unit and Tesla can…
Get Michael Keaton on it:
This test would be relevant to a buyer in say, Saudi Arabia. In the US we simply don’t have that kind of loose beach sand next to the freeways.
You know what would give the hyperloop a chance at being successful?
Reducing transport cost will allow to lower the prices for products, there will be less traffic accidents. Whats not to like?
Hundreds of thousands will get paid off, and then hundreds of thousands more will be hired to build this tech, test it, maintain it, etc. I’m all for increasing minimum wages, but you also have to realize that now you will have to raise wage of those in the middle as well.
Will the robodrivers be compelled to put sillouettes of supercomputers on the mudguards? I would be disappointed if they don’t.
the idea is that you will eliminate wellfare programs and replace them with a ubi. therefore it’s revenue neutral. you aren’t giving poor people more money, you are just changing how it’s delivered. Instead of food stamps and medicaid, you are just receiving cash.