Recovering Gaijin

Pink and chartreuse two-tone.

Unfortunately HOAs work for people who winge the most. It brings it out the worst in people like a game of Monopoly. It inspires tit-for-tat counter-complaints and people can’t seem to understand how insignificant they are. I got a letter about a patch of dead grass in the middle of winter that was maybe a dinner

With a splintered utility pole. Dry.

I wonder how many Camrys in his development have the “Camry Dent”...

I owned and lived in an HOA property up until last year. Never again. As shown in the story, the HOA is given power to interpret their rules in almost any way they want. And from my experience, there isn’t much in the way of recourse other than getting lawyers involved. Not that I’ll go full “Ruby Ridge” here, but

I would love to be DT’s neighbor.


They won’t be successful in a foreclosure on the property as the fines and fees charged on the owners account are unsecured charges (as in, they are not secured charges like the assessments are via the Association’s lien on the property). The attorney won’t care as he’s getting paid by the Association (and the

I browse house listings occasionally and “No HOA” is always touted as a big, positive selling point. I agree, which is why I bought an older house without one.

I am lucky and don’t have an HOA.  There’s no way the property value would go up because of one. I think it’s a load of crap and HOA’s have way too much power.

Fuck HOAs.

I didn’t vote for Hillary. The world will keep spinning. The moral canyon that is Trump and his staff is frankly embarrassing and any R’s that defend him should be ashamed. And since when are tariffs part of the free market laissez faire philosophy that conservatives supposedly stand for? 

What blind trust?  He basically took time off from his job at Trump Org.

Who relinquished control of his businesses?

tax policy is set by legislation

They are setting up new sweatshops- err labor extraction facilities on the southern border to keep their prisoners, err guests occupied, idle hands and the devil you know

I have given you my star for this seizure inducing gif.

This smells just like the Foxconn plant in WI that generated far, far fewer jobs than was touted.  More BS from the pres.

Tweeting false stuff isn’t really a problem at this point.

So all they need is an agreement with the UAW. Problem is, UAW does not agree with this deal. Trump tweeted this before anything was close to being finalized.