Recovering Gaijin
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“You’ve got no outside mirror.”
“No, we lost that.”
“You have no functioning gauges.”
“Not a one. However, the radio still works! Funny as that may seem.”

I don't think that would help bolster his case, LoL

New skivvies on occasion never hurt.

I would have said, “It’s okay, I’m a Jalopnik journalist on a mission!” while simultaneously holding up my pre-printed badge from the internet. 

Normally, 100% agree. Except two nights ago I had my first ‘I guess we need to call the cops’ moment.

Seriously. That situation has psych eval written all over it.

Damn it! Spoilers


Classic case of non-threatening vehicle. Unlike your handle, a London Taxi is quite literally the essence of civilized transport.

That’s a Jason special just for illustrative purposes. Or it’s the most dedicated CHP officer on the planet.

“you probably looked like a drifter that took a little too much opioid”

@David, Not to accuse you of fake news, but I was wondering, based on that top picture, where on your trip from Michigan to Utah did you pass through California? I don’t think CHP would pull you over outside their state... 

thinking the same thing. White tractor paint. 

Well.. maybe just your socks from time to time. 


That was my thought...had I seen that and had no context I would assume drugs as well and probably wouldn’t be tapping on the the window either.

Hah—oh, David.