Recovering Gaijin

Yeah. Raised less than 2"...approach angle +1°...departure angle +6°...


No dual stacks.

In the semi-rural community where I used to run a store, farmers commonly sold the alloys off their Sunday-go-meeting truck when it became shabby from age&salt and put skinny steelies mounted with heavy-duty tires on it along with Farm Use tags for errands. When no longer deemed road-worthy, it would be relegated to


Livin’ life right, Miss M!

Well, that was a complete surprise! Well done: I like how your mind works.

My involuntary loud guffaw scared the dog: all the stars to you!

30 years later, I really miss those brain cells...

As was I.

Just drop a quarter-gram rock of decent coke in a cup of coffee. Doesn’t cure a hangover-but you don’t really mind it anymore

And I’ve been reading here long enough that, by the 2nd sentence, I >knew< it had to be you!

Solid advice

What region are you in? I’m sick unto death of automatics, and am taking the presence of coolant in #3 cylinder of my old Previa as a sign from the gods that it is time to acquire a 3rd pedal again. Really wish I had bought my sister’s ZX5 a few years back: manual Focus-s are hard to find around SW Va without close to

Well, let’s hear the history!

WAY underrated comment!

I’m with you, but thinking I might want to save some for insurance

My money would be on Judson

Aight; you made me wince sympathetically

Someone should call Garage54: I bet they could fit 3 V-twins under there!