
That sucks. In sorry about your friends not understanding. I admit, I just spent almost 1k on dental surgery for... a guinea pig. So I would be the person who felt obligated to take care of any animals in my house. He has completely recovered, so it was worth it to me. Eta: there is a thing called Care Credit that a

If a state of emergency is declared, they absolutely have the power to enforce a curfew. Your personal freedom to move around doesn’t trump the state interest of keeping the roads clear.

The hate for comic sans, which is at worst a mediocre font, is sort of like hating Wal-Mart shoppers. It’s a way of sneering at unsophisticated people. A lot of unsophisticated people do use comic sans, sure. But Lupita Nyong’o is not one of them. Comic sans isn’t the universe’s most horrifying font. You just want to

“Cool” pope was apparently kind of tricked into meeting with her, and maybe had no idea who she was. I’ve got to go to work, but Google could find the story with the right key words.

do you realize that biological sex is also a spectrum. Some people are born with both male and female sexual traits and parts, or are born with indeterminate parts.

Abuser counselling is very specific and rarely works. Anger management doesn’t do it. How do you fix angry babymen? It’s almost impossible. They are manipulative, conniving, gaslighting shits, who trick therapists all the time. Who hate women and consider them property. IBTP.

Yes, but the weather in Chicago is terrible.

I’m wearing sox with sandals right now

Maybe 15 years ago-or more- there was a study that suggested that a general lack of eye movements tended to decrease brain activity. I have no idea where I found it, but maybe it is more a function of staring at generally the same spot, than of content.

people have no idea what an insidious evil empire pantone/x-rite has become! Every printed thing you look at has been through their filthy, standardizing hands! Free the colors!

it doesn’t say what race the arrested person is in the article. If you repeat a lie enough times do you believe its true?

Since apparently you think normal bodily functions are indecent. That’s a problem.

Outlined in sharpie and photocopied? Maybe she drew a picture in pencil, then the teacher “inked” it, but more in the comic book sense, wherein the inker adds detail and cleans it up. Then it was photocopied for her to color, with instructions to keep it neat? Edit: there is a little blue doodle near the right bottom

When I was maybe ten, we went to visit my aunt’s family for thanksgiving. My great grandmother was there. She had been raised in the south somewhere and was pretty senile. My aunt was married to a black guy, and they had three kids. Over dinner, my great grandmother said loudly, “isn’t it nice of (aunt) to adopt all

It’s YELLOW. Yellow dyes look dark when concentrated.

It’s yellow. Blue, yellow. Look at food coloring containers, the yellow is very dark.

5 years is a typical guinea pig lifespan. You probably didn’t kill them, they were just old.

Beaverton. The sign says "Pho King Good".

A manufactured one?