
Lol even at 2pm on leviathan I got a 3k queue. I dunno why mine is so popular for whatever reason

I still regularly get 6000+ queues as recently as last night

“it’s fun with friends” is such a terrible metric lol. You can have fun with most terrible things with friends

But when only 20% of people have the challenge that requires wins it’s still gonna be a free-for-all

I just cannot “invest” in games anymore; the “I’ll keep playing and hope it’ll get better in time” strategy. It just is a drain when I could simply play games that are good and not broken NOW.

BecauseBlockchain” makes shareholders happy which keeps stocks up which is really the only thing that matters

The master race sure likes complaining and saying things are unfair for them

I read something about there being a “10 year plan” with infinite. (Shudders in Destiny). I wonder if this campaign structure you described is to allow for an almost live-service environment, adding more of these dungeon missions in a Destiny-like manner

There's so many just odd decisions by 343 with this game. I can't tell if some of these were intentional or a result of the game needing more time.

I don’t like anything about the systems and charging me 10 dollars for the color blue is really annoying. Unlocking Emile’s armor and then realizing you don’t unlock ALL of it and have to spend 10 dollars to get the shoulder piece is really annoying.

Service games have broken me. Season 1 is usually things that are thematic to the game and whatnot. But by season, I dunno 6 or something, it’s killer clown skins, cat ears, some crossover for an unrelated IP, and all the same ol same ol. And I just don’t care anymore it’s all become an amalgamation of that I forget

Every live service shooter ends up selling the exact same skins and they all become indistinguishable from each other. It’s only a matter of time before the killer clown skins show up and all aesthetic will become the same

Remember when he stopped everything to whine that Konami wouldn't let Kojima attend his party?

I regret none of it. 

He's actually a Titan. And he wants to put Titans into Battlefield. Which is objectively a very good idea.

I remember the good ol days when they'd sometimes print the codes you needed to redeem on the outside of the package. I'd clear out whole grocery store shelves with a camera. Good times....

Nah. It’s not fine. The fact that progress is tied almost purely to challenges is not fine. Right now multiplayer is a mess because half the team on both sides is so obviously not even worrying about the match and just trying to complete their challenges.

Because everyone is just running around doing their own thing. The gameplay changes no longer encourage teamwork. Plus the maps are just giant open empty parking lots.

Found the only Astral Chain copy in my city. It was a pre-order someone forgot to pick up 2 years ago and they forgot to put it on the shelf and it showed up in their internal stock still. Fuckin yoinked

I can’t wait for 5 years from now when everyone hates the New Battlefield and talks about how great 2042 was