
I did buy the first one! I may have made a mistake tho.

Sorry but all footage shows the other party attacking Kyle. You can see the paramedic approach him point his gun at Kyle.

Warhammer is definitely a thing I've thought about getting into but the people have successfully prevented that numerous times

Also: no 1440p support still

Well I for one am shocked that the reason for her leaving the company that treats women badly after a couple months was because she was treated badly.

Honestly think the wildly inaccurate guns are a bug. The fact that it’s really inconsistent and sometimes you can see the hands animating something else in the clips. I think the game still thinks you’re running, and applying the accuracy debuff regardless. Hopefully it’s fixed soon but

Oh boy pokemon fans fighting again. It's that time of year!

It’s also the biggest franchise in the world and the entire point of the franchise is going out in the world and capturing lil creatures. 

I’m sure the Pikmin game will also be an equally great idea

“do not spread this traitor’s word”

i think the namazu is the only beast tribe that i truly looked forward to doing every day.

It’s either the goobue or the namazu mount, depending on how I feel to other players. Either I come up and cheer them on or sneeze on them and refuse to elaborate further.

I really, REALLY hate to tell ya this but:

Celebs, both internet and in general, hawk useless and snake oil products all the time. I don’t get why this time it’s a big deal.

I mean there was no easy solution because they put themselves in this corner

Well, yes.

Battlefield’s changes basically threw all encouragement of teamwork out the window. Everyone really was just running around shooting madly. I don't think I saw a single ammo pouch dropped and maybe could count on one hand the health pouches dropped

Hmm I'll have to look into that. Since it's the actual mechanical drive that's clicking and stuff I bet that might work for my case if that's possible.

My Xbox 360 disc drive just stopped reading discs. I read how the disc drive has a code that needs to match the motherboard in order for the drive to work properly. So I can't just simply replace the disc drive myself.

It's fun hearing people say reviewers are "biased" cause they're not insane fans of the franchise they're reviewing, as if that's somehow not biased as well