
I got fully bored of the Ubisoft formula right after far cry 4 I think. But the first real boredom was when I played Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag and while I enjoyed the Black Flag part, I spent the entire Assassin’s Creed part impatiently waiting to go back to the Black Flag part.

Most of this roster is built purely on the work of Sakurai developing these relationships and negotiating with the other companies. If he won't work on the next, I don't expect even a fraction of the roster to be present.

I gets encouraged by those "while they sleep, you GRIND" mentality accounts. And of course it'll be encouraged by everyone cause the businesses want this mentality for its workers.

I think my vote would be for just a regular ol Goomba. Just a lil Goomba whackin everyone

Yeah something like getting under the map and shooting is shitty.

No matter who gets announced, at least half the player base will be upset.

I'm okay with that

Lol I gotta disagree with the exploitation part. If you ship something that lets me get XP easily you can bet I'll be using that until it's fixed

God it just LOOKS so bland. It looks so typical anime.

On one hand: I appreciate them realizing that they just can’t top Tank.

Sounds pretty “removing” to me. And just giving you an opportunity to get something back from the ones you do have

I went to the line and started talking to some of them.

Between being very early in the ps5s lifecycle and Windows’ Direct Storage feature coming soon I foresee a big jump in like 3 years time.

I'm not really buying this

If you’re gonna do Nu Gundam, do Nu Gundam, cowards

Destiny is one of the worst examples of the modern game market. I played the first and had a real swell time.

I bet Activision is so confused.

Still no 1440p

Hello yes I am 1 of those 8.

Removing largely situational movement tricks in a movement-based shooter is a bad move imo. Especially when it’s been a thing since Titanfall. I like when games allow you to practice and fine-tune stuff like that to outplay people.