
Pray for Giri

My dad’s always calling me a young offensive guy, too, but it doesn’t seem to help in my job search.

Football is an intricately complex game at the personnel level as well as the in game tactical level. I really believe that.

In hell, you can only watch Pistons games.

In hell, you can only watch Pistons games.

Gronk: “Six of nine?! Nice!

*Goes up for a leaping high five*

*Injures leg*

On the subject of Piers Morgan, it’d be nice if Good Morning Britain stopped showing their massive dick, too.

as others have said, i switch up hot sauces depending on what i’m eating and have several favorites, including tipatio, louisiana, chipotle tobasco (awesome in bloody marys), sriracha. here in chicago there’s a place called heinie’s that has a great hot sauce that’s a brighter-than-pepto pink color (it’s available on

as others have said, i switch up hot sauces depending on what i’m eating and have several favorites, including

I knew there would be a profusion of posts vying for worst comment in this thread, and I didn’t have to scroll very far to picket.

I knew once Deadspin started covering fucking soccer that fencing couldn’t be far behind. 

Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.

Hot Taek Alert:
We need to accept that sports is entertainment, subject to human error, and not a completely fair endeavor. This obsession with establishing, like, robot referees who will ensure 100% ultimate consistent application of rules and a universally fair playing field is just annoying. Accept that life and

Am I a bad person for strongly advocating violence against every one of these motherfuckers?

Certainly not as a member of the Philadelphia Flyers.

As someone who has looked Roy Halladay dead in the eyes via my young brothers Sports Illustrated For Kids posters I’m 100% confident he wanted to be inducted into the HoF as a member of the Phoenix Coyotes.

Getting to the Super Bowl is incredibly difficult to do and takes such an unbelievable commitment from a team and support from its fans.

Now playing

You all must be too young to have seen this.

Terrible call...that was clearly pass interference.

CJ's new strategy of "what if I get SO fat, it takes four guys to bring me down" is paying dividends

Perfect metaphor for America right now. Nobody but a fucking asshole wants the president we have, and nobody but a fucking asshole wants to see this team in another Super Bowl. Just one more thing to endure.