If this were a few years ago, I’d nominate Dan Snyder.
If this were a few years ago, I’d nominate Dan Snyder.
FIAT: ‘Fix it again, Tony.’
He’s not lye-ing.
Dick and bails.
I hope his dry cleaner is ready for the final league table.
He came THIS CLOSE to clocking No. 54 with it before flinging it back onto the field.
F for effort to Daniels: probably an easy save for the keeper without the deflection.
Do Cameron Jordan and Jordan Cameron count?
He’s just trying to underscore THE WELL KNOWN FACT that OBAMA IS A MUSLIM, DAMMIT!!!!
Bleach?? If I had the misfortune of having to drink with Drumpf I’d opt for a cyanide and dimethyl mercury boilermaker.
I smell Kickstarter campaign.
Remember, you can’t spell ‘dumpster fire’ without ‘drumpf.’
Wow. Just wow. I’m still almost speechless. Let me set the stage. A grizzled veteran, on the wrong side of 35, facing a younger, hungry opponent. It appears to all the world he’s finished. But against overwhelming odds, deep into the night, and through a combination of tactical brilliance, amazing athleticism, and…
Reporter: ‘Mr President, are you familiar with Nat Turner?’
He could probably still do this if he wanted to.
I don’t think that’s what the coach meant when he said, ‘Keep an eye out for that guy.’
You’re right, pretty soon any kid with half a brain should be able to figure out reasons to hate him all on his or her own.
This is all very kyrgios.
The show is called ‘Mike & Mike’?! For years I thought it was called the ‘The Tom Brady & Peyton Manning Morning Tonguebath’.