Why couldnt nintendo just include shit like this in DLC or something. Its suck beacsue i would love to play as her but I cant justify modding my switch to install this..
Why couldnt nintendo just include shit like this in DLC or something. Its suck beacsue i would love to play as her but I cant justify modding my switch to install this..
I mean to play devils advocate, it was just a tweet. It’s ot like he used it in any promotional meterial or anything attached to money.
Microsoft does cross buy with Forza, Gears or war, recore, crackdown, sea of thieves. Capcom did it with the Xbox/ windows 10 versions of Marvel vs Capcom infinite and resident evil 7
Can you choose to shoot him instead?
right in the feels right there... I wonder if kojima put sean in the game the same way Bethesda put a fan that died in skyrim?
They sound like Everytime I Die, and Twelve Gauge Valentine
aww well cry about it later, you’re all still gunna play it!
I am intrigued, but god! I effing hate teaser trailers. Like is it just a strange pandemic? Zombies? Or somthing more?
now make a mod where you're gunning down Westboro Baptist Church members!
He’s gunna use the excuse that hes trolling to hide the fact that he’s an idiot.
If thats what your into then its not weird...
going through this guys other comments on other post he's obviously a boring cynic with no friends and no valid pov...
Rap-crap? Ill admit in the past 10 years the shit you hear on the major radio stations has been crap but real hiphop is good and still alive. So what you are saying is dumb as hell, i guess youd rather hear the mk theme preformed by some Korean pop idol than MF DOOM, yeah go look him up
Me: hey disney!
What? You dont already enjoy star wars?
Allow me to be the guy to point this out. There is gunna be a lot of hentai of her when the game comes out. Most of it will probly have her dressed in a cow skin bathing suit...