
so now the dodging is like titanfall... well since i dontbhave a gaming pc right now i hope by the time i do they will have finished that mod

I'm a huge console gamer but when comes to first person shooters mouse and keyboard is the way to go

but thats half the fun of ut, the unreal physics

Oh god, I need to get a new pc now!

far less than 20, im sure some one already has the chacter model...

Its been a while since I've wanted to play an iso shooter On a console, I'm pretty excited for this one. They better not disappoint, again.

looked better with the tights in my opinion

I mean come on it's Capcom are we really surprised? remember Lost Planet 2?

sonic 3d blast was the best 3d sonic game, hands down

You sound like a sony fanboy who dosnt own an xbox...

well its a good thing that I dont care for multiplayer lol

god! I want this now! Definitely a series I miss from my youth growing in the ancient times of the 1990's

I wonder if deep down inside be knows his country is the laughing stock of the world? NK makes other 3rd world countries look like paradise...

omfg zombie u was so hard (thats what she said)

so if cool for them to do black face then its fine for me to pull my eyes back with tape wear the wrong kimono Cover my face with white facepaint and speak with out using my l's

this should be filed to "sad but true"

I have nothing to say on the subject so here's a blueberry pancake recipe

All I see are fanboys arguing about which handheld has the bigger dick...

yes, yes it is

that totally went is a direction i was not expecting...