
Last year's was MUCH better, this one isn't very catchy at all.

@meanspirit: I wouldn't even begin to a) pretend I'm a psychiatrist or b) able to clinically diagnose someone based on one comment they made on a blog. I'm not sure how, if true, my comment would make her feel worse though - it's encouraging her to change things.

@Ayumi~n: That's one of the most depressing things I've ever read. Please, please stop being so apathetic and make changes to your life to make yourself happy.

All of the links posted require NYT memberships. That really isn't very helpful at all...!

I really wish there was a video!

This was posted in whitenoise/tips several hours ago, no credit? :/

@starbuck13: Yeah, I'm equally skeptical. There's no such thing as a 'cure', we even have remnants of all of our previous bacterial infections in our spinal fluid.

@Manicato: I think they can create a cell line with that specific mutation though, I don't think you'd have to take it all from one person. I mean, they keep cultures of WBCs, so why not marrow cells.

How about actually linking to the primary article?

@dtptampa: HAHA I KNOW, I've been meaning to post a general thank you to everyone, you guys seem to always find me on articles and I'm almost always promoted on whitenoise. It feels nice, actually.

/poke /poke /poke [the beast]. Careful, anonymous bites.

@Bramsey89: They didn't rape Gawker if that's what you're thinking.

@Stupiderthanthou: You can edit your comment for 15 minutes after you post it by clicking on the little pencil underneath your avatar.

@Pks29733: Wow, you're so clever! Appleholes, har har har!