
@Pks29733: Wow, you're so clever! Appleholes, har har har!

@Rob C: Our processors are powerful enough to run operating systems flawlessly, though. To me this gimping is just unnecessary. I'd rather have a slightly slower fully functional computer than a faster eunuch of one.

I get really annoyed when I have several tabs open in chrome (it happens all the time) and it's only bearable because I use 3 finger swiping to switch back and forth...but I honestly couldn't imaging having an entire OS in chrome. It would feel very gimped. Also, not only would I not be a fan of relying on Google's

@Thrubeingcool: Probably because they're all stories/photos from the same event.

@jglavin: White shoes are almost as practical as a white laptop.

@Habs: Yeah dude!

@ima747: It's the design that's Apple-esque, not the internals.

@jglavin: Nah, anyone who's too cheap to pay the 100 dollar difference for an aluminum MBP deserves to have a filthy laptop :P

@jglavin: Sort of...but the aluminum finish is matte. I don't know, in any case I agree with you that it's an exaggeration.

@Nitesh: Exactly! Totally agreed. I fucking hate the look of HP and Dell laptops, ew. So tacky.

I wouldn't say it's the antithesis to a macbook...Apple's entire philosophy revolves around simplicity and things feeling solid. Honestly it kind of looks like a stripped down macbook to me without the aluminum.

@RStormgull: No, I meant the press conference NASA held. Those who dispute the findings haven't held any press conferences.

@jalb: Absolutely. It's pretty horrific and small-minded.

@Josh Walters: You know that universities carry suscriptions to journals, right? Anyone with an education should know that.

@Black Narcissus: I'm pretty appalled not only by how little the commenters seem to care or know about the actual science, but by how dismissive they are of the person because of her pink hair colour. There are also the, 'oh they're just jealous!' comments. It seems that almost no one realizes how important a

@grimjack28: Have you even read the primary article or the Slate piece? Seriously, get informed before you spew your garbage. Back up your opinions with facts. Peer review isn't perfect, and NASA has made some glaring blunders in the past.

This isn't a new type of life. It's a bacteria that's similar to Escherichia coli that can supposedly incorporate arsenic in lieu of phosphate into its DNA and proteins. The problem is that not only were the bacteria given salts containing phosphate (and there are thousands of microorganisms who can survive on a