
Sarah Kendzior wrote something similar a few months ago. It hasn’t gotten any easier to read or relevant with time...

It was nice to see Bernie and others asking more yes or no questions, insisting on yes or no answers, and interjecting when the nominee diverged from that. Unfortunately that was mostly met with coddling from the board chairman and an allowance to spew their word salad...

Well, first there were a bunch of old white men in wigs that did some stuff, then a few wars or something, and then Ronald Reagan! 

I demand to see his Human Certification Form!!!

Trump picked these people because they looked like what Central Casting would use to fill that role on a teevee drama, and the Republican leadership does not care because winning elections and turning the US into a single-party government is all that matters to them.

I was gonna say China (not invade but escalation in the South China Sea) but I’ll keep it interesting and bet on some sort of internal revolt.

I feel exactly the same. Before I saw Reps as people I didn’t agree with on many issues. Now, I struggle to even accept that they have apathy, morals, or even an actual ideological structure in some cases.

DeVos’ family is conning thousands with Amway; they must be geniuses! That’s the type of brilliance we need running the show!

“It should be up to the states” “I need more research on the topic” “If confirmed I’ll do my best to blah blah blah”

Yes, currently I’m fearing the worst- that the GOP’s new power will be used to solidify their position for longer than anyone would like to think about. =(

Sorry, I’ll give GW more credit but this is what I first thought of as “one of two books he’d read in one week”.

This is wonderful advice.

No problem!

Sorry if I’m being too optimistic. My other hope is that more people start paying attention to how the government affects their lives. When these people get involved hopefully they will see the Dem’s strong response to whatever garbage policy has provoked them to get more involved and realize how things got to so bad.

I know Trump will never own anything.

At least they are encouraging GOP ownership of its actions. I also hope it sets the precedent of opposition and general pain in the assness that we need.

It sets the atmosphere of opposition and GOP ownership of it’s own actions.

While I’m not optimistic that anything will change because of this, I do hope that this is the dems setting up a hard line to at least be a pain in the GOP’s ass for the foreseeable future. They seem to be making it clear that if the GOP does something (appointing destructive, unprepared buffoons to cabinet

Haha none!! Suddenly confident that I could run for office.