
Repeat until morale improves!

I once chose not to throw a paper airplane off the roof of an apartment building because I felt it would be littering.

The yellow just makes me think of the splitter guards left on Chargers/Challengers.

There’s that guy that constantly shows up on Police Video compilations, who was a Motorcycle Funeral Escort, who constantly tried to act like a real cop. He’s been stopped multiple times, but just can’t seem to give up the habit.  

I seem to recall that the military will ship your car back to the US for free if you had served overseas in Japan or Germany. So I am guessing this was a car that some servicemen had used in Japan, and decided to bring it back home since shipping is free.

He got a stern talkin’ to and then promised too never do it again. But word has it, he had his fingers crossed.

It’s Arkansas, but same thing.

Morons like you are why the Department of Education needs better funding.

Complaining to the NHTSA, an agency of the federal government, that Tesla isn’t getting back to you, while the guy atop Tesla is currently a shadow President sacking the federal government like a Visigoth through Rome.  Best of luck, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

People can relax without drugs OR alcohol, imagine that!

You’re giving Clarence Thomas an idea...

No, that’s RWD.. not AWD.  There is no driveshafts connecting to the front wheels in the graphic.

Oh, the all the voices in my head are bickering:

Stretching to be a bit of a poser?

Not sure who the market is for these cars. I mean, the truly rich want the latest and greatest bespoke models to show off; this strikes me as a toy some aristocrat got bored with. So what does buying this one say about the buyer? Can’t afford a new one? Stretching to be a bit of a poser? Not really an enthusiast but so

It’s a BLACK Hawk helicopter! No wonder it crashed! Under my administration we will only have WHITE Hawk helicopters!

The MAGAs have no problem with Doublethink.  Whether Oceana is at war with Eurasia or Eastasia makes no difference to them because they rewrite history on an hourly basis.

“One small step for man, all day comfort for mankind.”

What on earth makes you think vandalism is heroic?