
RyanAir has only refrained from introducing a “Don’t Get Kicked in the Nuts When You Board the Plane” fee because they couldn’t figure out how to standardize the severity of the nut-kicking. 

I just visited the web site, and it’s on sale right now for the ridiculously low price of $13,200! Now you have absolutely no reason not to buy it.

Lemme put it this way - the dude claims to have flown a plane (powered by a steam engine, no less!) through a park in the middle of Pittsburgh, and yet somehow there were no independent witnesses?

NO!.. he thought they were transvestite immigrants who were trying to give him gender reassignment surgery before making him buy an EV, installing LED bulbs in his house, and then take his job. 

This country’s gun culture is fucking off-the-rails absurd. 

I hope the bird strike theory doesn’t Sully the reputations of the deceased pilots.

You are 100% correct.

Is this supposed to be some sort of humble brag?

Stiff competition for the wiener mobile.

He doesn’t have a business that he needs to pay “protection money” for. 

I dropped two eggs a few days ago getting them out the fridge and was more annoyed at the loss in terms of cost than all the tidying mess.

Look at Scrooge McDuck here, leaving EGGS in the car like it’s nothin.

The biggest problem with that is the people who wanted this are too stupid to know why things are more expensive. They’ll be blaming Biden/Dems for the next 4 years for anything that goes wrong while praising Trump for anything that goes well in their life. Any real correlation or causation will be completely ignored. 

If they can charge $1000 and still fill the spaces, let them. Not sure how that is controversial. Sitting/parking first class costs money.

No words for this lunacy.  Everyone loses.

“the 737 looped twice”, eh. I’d like to see that.

Honestly, as soon as you said New Jersey is furious, the program earned my full support.  

The race starts at like 42:30 in the video in case you’re looking for the shot

I saw a documentary on the incredibly rigorous test to be a London black cab driver — The Knowledge. People spend years studying for it — essentially, you have to become a human GPS.