
It isn’t “adventuresome”. Transition teams are notified that their communications may be monitored and should not be considered private. What Mueller did was entirely legal and proper.

Things are really heating up for the winter finale of the Trump’s America show, let’s hope the back half of the season has an impeachment plot line.

I hear you. People are talking about the 1.5% margin, but what they don’t remember is that Alabama voted for Trump by 30%, so that’s a 31% voter shift. That’s unheard of. Ya’ll need to school the rest of us on how it’s done. Congrats in a big way!

Not really.

THANK YOU. Huntsville, AL kid here to say the cousin-fucker jokes are tired. Blue dots worked our asses off to defeat this monster. I’m elated and enjoying hope for the first time in a year. Yeah, Moore should have lost in a landslide— but he LOST. We WON. A Democrat is representing our state. Congratulations to all

While I agree with the sentiment, let’s not go insulting shoe shines and toilet cleaners. To a man, they have more dignity and class than Trump.

it just makes me sad that he didn’t win by a 100% margin.

You can blame that on my people. 53% of white women are the fucking worst. It was a Becky singularity.

Dear Mr. President,

This is a DEMOCRAT winning in Alabama. If this is a precursor for 2018, and if you are a Democrat, you should be elated.

Ok you fuckers, I’m gonna rant on you all. You make fun of the state I live in constantly. And even now you whine about the margin. Do you shitheads know how hard it is to take this state away from the rednecks? From the rural crazies?

Hey now. The Horse did his best. He can’t help who’s riding him.

As always, Black voters saved the day and avoided sending (another) racist, incompetent, asshat to Washington.

I wish that Moore would have won just for the LOLZ!

Now, let’s make the Republicans that supported Roy Moore to the very end become stuck to that shit forever.

Donald Trump threw the full weight of the White House behind Moore.

“Is there a calculator for people who don’t live permanently in the year 1990 and do actual modern contract work as a sole-proprietor LLC?”

It’s a crime to lie to the FBI, and it hasn’t been disproven yet that Trump violated the Logan Act. Oh, and obstruction of justice is a crime. But go ahead and relax if you want to.

It’s also a crime for a private citizen to speak to a foreign government and undermine the current administration (Logan Act).

What’s impressive about this story is it implies Mike Flynn was lying to the FBI about his Russia contacts while every single one of his colleagues knew the truth, which is probably how the FBI knew he was lying.