
No, you look at it.

Neiko Thorpe and Mike Tyson are not stadiums. They’re bipeds.

You’re aware that stadiums and salaries are entirely different things, right?

We could, but it may be easier and more fun to just attack all Seahawks fans.

Not that I want to defend this woman, but indirectly some of her tax dollars do pay their salaries, seeing as CenturyLink Field was funded by taxpayers.

If anything, the people of Renton are known for their nuanced but racist understanding of Washington State tax law.

And I’m sure that’s exactly what she was trying to say in between her Pall Mall-tainted spittle attacks.

12th man hates 13th amendment.


Most idiots (read - republicans) don’t even know what net neutrality did. They just no Obama did it, so it must be black bad.

I would pay CASH MONEY to see these teens take on Huckabee-Sanders. LOTS of money.

Could just be me, but does anyone else find all ‘the teens’ and ‘Teens at it again’ references slightly infantilizing? Can’t get through Twitter without being bombarded with it. Maybe it was funny the first 1-2 times, but these are people busting their ass.

“They do not have Respect For The Office.”

The NFL forces their players to speak on media days for the Superbowl to talk about BS. We should have some enforcement for elected officials to do the same thing.

“We can’t ask them hard questions because then we would lose our access to continue to not ask them hard questions.”

Paul Ryan has not met with his constituents in a town-hall type setting in over two years.

Can we just perma-post the Onion’s Make It Stop News Brief?

Check out JD Durkin’s thread of trump dating stock photos:

Why? Because it’s really freaking hard. Retroviruses are the Hard Mode of medicine. There are a handful of HIV resistant people who are helping us figure out how the body can fight HIV, but biology is a slow and expensive field.