
If neither of the next 2 in this series are “How to skin a squirrel” then: unsubscribe.

I’m guessing a 3+ million dollar contract for a TV/Web celebrity may be handled slightly differently than the workstation support interns you’re hiring. just a hunch.

Mr. Miyagi.

he writes columns?


it takes courage for a man to take a stab at talking to a girl he doesn’t know.

He lost me when he said using a whole uncooked chicken is an option.

I don’t get it, what’s the scam? Are you not getting the car you want at the price they quoted? It doesn’t seem stolen, or are they not able to legally transfer you the title?

Tweeting & “reporting” picks 2 seconds before they happen is the WORST part of an already horrible NFL draft. What is the point, other than drawing attention away from the exploited players onto Mort?

D’oh! Skin Cancer!

I bet she wouldn’t try that at the courthouse:

I’m going to have to ask you to apologize to my 2 year old. He’s only able to reach the lowest hanging piece of fruit, and you got to it first.

and God bless the NBA’s awful lottery system for making it all possible.

HMX had plenty to do with its own demise of plastic guitar games by flooding the market with its own disc-based games, and Madden-esque sequels with minimal improvements.

or Get Shitfaced.

Samer Kalaf is kind of like Sum Ting Wong.

you're supposed to tip at Sonic?


selecting dining companions on a business trip is easy if you follow these strict guidelines:

what's next? you going to teach me how to shake my dick after pissing?