
He's also been seeing an analrapist.

a 1 year old doesn't know shit. any form of discipline is dumb.

also: Probably not the best idea to subject your Defensive tackle's crotch to this.

I seriously have doubts about the "Ray Rice told the commish everything" line. The only person scummier that Goodell in this story is Rice's lawyer, when he explained the video implicating Janal was acting like a crazy B and Rice acted entirely in self-defense ("Imagine if that video showed . . . " The latest news all

except they both do:

Wanna-be Glory-Boy probably audibled that play.

he's a runner at that point, and not defenseless.

are comments still useless?

now for 6 months all we'll hear from the NFL is "we can't discuss the matter while the investigation is ongoing". Report will be released the Thursday morning March Madness starts with no conclusive findings or wrongdoing.

If I saw this on facebook, I would have assumed someone got duped by an Onion article.

so she was given an opportunity to ask a tough question when no one else would, but didn't. Instead she's just piling on now with everyone else when it's easy. And this is the media's fault?

see "Someone is lying about Ray Rice Tape". they question just about everything from the NFL & Goodell except King's report.

Mort had it first on Gwigger.

i dont give a crap about King, other than that deadspin has stood behind his report 100%, where they normally question all reporters (including King in other situations).

I have no idea what you or deadspin is arguing anymore. King admitted he got the story wrong by bad reporting (deadspin's words). Waiting to for deadspin to tell me who is lying next...

how many articles do you see daily on Deadspin about reporters that "get it wrong." yet on this topic they blindly assume he was right.

"despite evidence to the contrary". I love how you slam on King and the media for being wrong about everything, but then when it is convenient to move along your anti-Goodell agenda, they are excellent reporters and its the NFL & Ravens who are lying.

since all the "sources" in the original statements that said they had seen the video were unnamed, isn't it more likely that it was shitty reporting and incompetance, and not "lying"?

yikes. did we confirm Goodell saw this video before the suspension? Either way, he must have known it was coming out soon, that's why he quickly came out with that new policy last week.

We will never, ever know what actually triggered the test. That's how it's supposed to be under the NFL's arcane and secretive drug testing procedures, in which the league is not allowed to announce what a player tested positive for or even the circumstances surrounding it, and players are allowed to offer up any