
cut it in half first, then slice eahc piece against the grain. Against the grain isnt just for tenderness, its about flavor.

I'm not implying it. I'm stating that the lawyer leaked that BS story because he knows the NFL can't discuss the particulars. Every player who fails a test knows this, and tries the same bit, about adderall or a hormone drug or cold medicine or 2nd hand smoke.

way to miss/ignore the point, that this "A/B sample threshold" story came from 1 anonymous source, and the NFL is not allowed to discuss the particulars of the testing.

"according to a source."

"According to Bleacher Report . . . Tom Brady had a very emotional reaction"

and its not really clear that the "A, B sample, threshold" story came from anywhere except Gordon's camp, since the NFL isn't allowed to discuss the particulars of the offense.

not to worry. his wife can't testify against him.

I'd prefer the last 2 #1 picks + salary flexibility to sign role players over Love (never been to the playoffs) & stuck signing old ring-hunters to minimum contracts.

you've got it all wrong. Jerry's dickandballs is actually shaped like a woman's face.

Mr. Winky is above such childness.

it never ceases to amaze me what you consider important in your "recipes." you'll demand people brine boneless chicken breasts and cook them over charcoal. but you'll flame people for putting tomatoes in grilled cheese, and are too lazy to use real clams in supposed "real" clam chowder.

and the right fielder has to play with a beer in his hand.

why is the rule so damn complicated? here's an idea: the runner must slide going into home, just like it were 2nd base, and the catcher can't obstruct.

Now they can finally build their starting staff around Bucholtz. Mission Accomplished . . .

Cespedes is under control through 2017, he has 2 years of arbitration in 16 & 17. He's only in his 3rd year of MLB.

Again we get Florio and reporters falling for this crap. Players can leak whatever info they want, real or not, and the NFL can't reply, because it would violate the confidentiality agreements in the CBA.

maybe it can be a promotional tie-in for the next Hunger Games movie:

When his next move is to "Take to the sea," I think we'll have our answer.

no. there is nothing that could make that movie funny.