
I'd suggest a statement on how to tell cookies are done. 70% of all homemade cookies are overcooked.

anyone know anyway to make $6k-$8k a week working from home?

there's a camp I wouldn't want to get in trouble at and sent in for an early shower.

Zak McKracken never gets any love

You would boner too if it happened to you . . .

The fans (and everyone with a brain) hated the AJ signing, similar to all 3 Drew signings, some stories are just true. The Francona smear campaign was universally bashed by fans.

some players survive. Pedro never got smeared. Papi will escape it, as would Brady; but both will retire in Boston, so it doesn't matter.

the fans aren't feeding the writers with this information. it comes from the players & more likely the team. These reports cite "team sources" not butt-hurt fans.

How about a Plan B for all the Plan B should be their Plan B jokes?

Can't wait to see the look on CHB's smug face when you shove his 10-year old email in his big mouth.

question: before ACA, my insurance (and I assume most) would cover BC as part of their normal Rx plan, so $5 copay (or 90/10), something like that. With ACA, this has to now be covered 100%. Does this ruling, mean they can now say it is covered 0%, or would it just go back to the normal Rx plan coverage ($5 copay,

1. Plain

and since the previous WC party bombing was almost 2 weeks ago, enough time had passed?

Am I the only one that had to google "I thought Verne Troyer was dead" only to find out that I confused him with Joe C?

Grow up is right. Reporters have a job to do: Scan famous people's Twitter accounts for controversial statements, write a 300 word blog with a Hot Take about it, record a web-cam showing your outrage on the tweet, get invited on Lebatard, and then back to the couch for more online poker.

Pause it at :50, you can see the exact moment his heart breaks.

So you're saying he's operating at a level 4 Pantheon rating? But if he dropped his NBA studio duties he could get that up to a Level 6?

not only did he screw up the team, he was trying to invent a new Simmonsism with "A Must-Play-Well Game"

Chicken Pizzas Ranked (an official list)

Thanks Tom Orsborn. High temperatures are the only thing that makes babies cry. Let me know if you're free to babysit this weekend.