
The happiest group a people about this: Sports Headline Writers. The AC broke... its hot... the Spurs were playing the HEAT... its HOT. ... HEAT .. . get it????

you may not want to wait until you're 50 for your first colonoscopy if that is a normal occurance

stop stealing bits from my twitter feed: @YouKnowYoureOldandFatIf

the only better fate for a wedding party with 84 members would be if Walder Frey was the officiant.

where I come from (Mass), the booze does not require a membership.

Everything I do.... I do it for you

Crawford found the chink in his armor.

this coming from a guy who brines grilled boneless chicken breasts.

Eight Men Gout?

you can get the Tuscan as Spicy.

you dont need security cameras as long as you have an untrained aggresive blood-thirsty dog.

sure he won't. that vow will last almost as long as Magic's vow to not go to anymore Clipper's games while Sterling owns the team.

Sounds like a perfectly reasonable and believable explanation to me.

The 1 commandment of Bar Employees: if you can't do your job without whining about the people who bring 100% of your revenue (The Customer), then find a new job, like sports blogger, where you're encouraged to whine all day.

I swore he said 75, but they put it on the board as 35.

26% isn't bad, compared to deadspin, that had 50% of Draft stories about Manziel.

Call me the next time a famous female athlete is accused of rape, and the "investigation" is brushed under the rug and laughed off by the DA, is given a 2-day vacation from the baseball team for shop-lifting, and the whole situation is depicted by a male art student. Then we can check the outrage.

I got the impression that the girl in pink was going to fight her at the request of a boy. She had no beef with her, but some boy did, and he didn't want to hit a girl, so he asked pink girl to fight for him.

that poor kid sitting in $400 front row seats will cry himself to sleep on his golden pillow in his dad's private jet back to Long Island.