The man wouldn’t know what a semicolon was if it hit him in the Depends.
The man wouldn’t know what a semicolon was if it hit him in the Depends.
Cher would never have done this.
It’s not the size of his dick that matters. It’s his obsession with size of hands, dick, etc., and the fact that this will REALLY bother him.
Insecure man-babies always go for the physical appearance insult when they’ve had a blow to their egos. I think every woman has a story about getting called a mean name after rejecting a guy.
None of those other things will shame or embarrass him.
I mean, he practically wrote the book on denial, so this is really unsurprising. Even when confronted, deny. Hell, he called Franken stupid for owning up to his behavior even in the slightest.
P.S. “I’m not a baby.”
Sometimes I have to remind myself how bizarre everything is these days, because it’s starting to feel normal, and that frightens me.
The difference is her talent, though!
Kim Kardashian cosplay.
Say that five times fast, then nuke the world from orbit.
From the Ivanka Trump School of Hiding Your Emotions (or Not Having Any in the First Place).
I’m so sorry that happened to you, and this is part of what bothers me about the revenge body idea. Being valued more because you are in better shape is not something that makes anyone actually happy.
Not to mention the fact that women with so-called “goal” bodies: Halle Berry, Denise Richards, Sienna Miller, Elizabeth Hurley, Uma Thurman, Jennifer Aniston get cheated on ALL THE TIME. I know I’m an old, but 20 years ago Hugh Grant famously cheated on Elizabeth Hurley (then considered the pinnacle of traditional…
It may be the dumbest show on TV. ‘Revenge’ is about the worst and least sustainable reason to get in better shape. Also this may sound harsh but I find it ridiculous that Khloe Kardashian sits with people to tell them about the power of exercise when that’s only half the reason she looks like she does now. If you…
As a person who’s only bankable value is their looks, it makes perfect sense for that person to see their looks as their only value.
I hate the idea of a Revenge Body. It’s insane. What do you even hope to gain, here? To make the guy regret cheating on you? And then what? Like, I get being mad, and I’m all for exercise as therapy, but this kind of crap is not healthy or reasonable.
I just don’t get how people can dismiss FIVE (or any) sexual assault allegations, and blame it on people trying to profit from his fame. There are plenty of douchey Hollywood guys who haven’t had one (LET ALONE FIVE) accusations of sexual assault against them. As far as I know (and I could be wrong about this) even…
I read this as a kid and my favorite line was when Addie says the yellow car her dad buys makes them “as conspicuous as two turds in a punch bowl.” (Not helpful to Grifters.) I love stuff like that.