
If Bethenny could get 10 minutes alone with her ex to just SCREAM at him about how much she hates him and he doesn’t deserve a dime, etc., I think she’d become so tranquil in the rest of her life that we wouldn’t recognize her. Just insert “Jason” into most of her tirades and suddenly it all makes sense. “You’re such

Even the most likable person (to me) Shep, came out with “War Of Northern Aggression” last week.

Agreed on telling Shep.

YAS Southern Charm. The vague racism and overt classism compounded with the actions of total fools who have a stupid amount of money is catnip.

I can’t tell if Landon is actually that clueless re her business ventures, or if it’s producer-influenced for the show (the way Craig’s involvement in the bourbon business is).

OMG. The poem about dead fish going to heaven!! What on earth did I witness? All to get into the pants of a low-rent wanna-be Hooter’s Girl?

Also, enjoy your threesome being played on national TV!

Jersey is back in July, OC is back during the summer as well, Dallas is weird but I’m watching, and NY remains my fave. Also, Carol is dull and B really is a bitch. She needs to dial it down A LOT.

Ha that’s exactly what my husband was saying last night. No one can compare to Captain Lee’s signature zero tolerance policy on bullshit. He's the hero we deserve.

Relationshep shy Shep. Me too. I’m a little bit of a sucker for Craig’s looks but he’s so gawd-awful.

Dear God,

I’d rather watch an entire season of an unhinged Bethenny Frankel than watch one more minute of the BH housewives bowing down to Yolanda Hadid and her temple of bullshit.

I wasn’t going to but I got talked into it here.

Bethenny is so endlessly fascinated with herself. She’s brittle and snide and so self righteous. I can’t detract from her success but her whine has turned to vinegar. Carole is living proof that familiarity can breed contempt. A little went a long way when she seemed like a smart, savvy, sharp witted “Carrie”

I *just* finished this episode, and omg was it awful. I don’t know if I’ll make it through the whole season and I’m watching real housewives of Dallas to cope. When is NJ coming back? Send help. And wine.

No one, especially since she has been to jail for a felony charge. She was recently rejected from the surgical tech program due to her record— which is pretty bad considering it isn’t even a community college she’s been attending, but one of those diploma mill ‘schools’ you hear advertised on daytime TV with a

As someone that works in the medical field, drug seekers LOVE to try to be CNAs or LPNs. Drug-seeking behavior is the reason they seek education in those fields. Then they take the classes, get licensed, and can’t pass a drug test/background check. Then we get their applications in the dietary or housekeeping

This show is a guilty pleasure, which I’m appropriately embarassed about watching.

Everything about Jenelle is a mess, but she’s somehow less awful than Leah. But I keep scratching my head over Jenelle consantly enrolling in different classes at the local community college for medical career fields (first medical

And Leah is shown on camera texting while driving with her 100 kids in the back like 4 times an episode.

Editors can only edit what you give them. The saddest part, for me, was having Jenelle freak out over watching Jace (when Babs was going to NJ to help Jenelle’s sister), because it was the first day of her “Spring Break Trip” with her current boyfriend, as well as her blatant drug seeking behavior. I agree with