
You did read the author’s husband was home and sober, yes?

if you think patience is the most important thing when raising kids but you have to get high to be patient then MAYBE you shouldn’t have kids.

This show is a license for Lisa to print money and the smartest thing she’s ever done.

There’s nothing I want more from this show right now than someone, anyone, to take Scheana down a peg. You can tell she actually believes her own bullshit and someone needs to explain to her why she really, really fucking sucks.

I do want to see Stassi come back as the alpha and put Scheana back in her place because Scheana is just stupid awful. I can deal with bitch queen awful (Stassi), but the stupid just can’t be the alpha that’s needed for VPR.

Stassi is gold as an alpha and super uncomfortable as an underling make it stop

Yeah Pete was a dick to everyone, including his wife. His manner of speaking was very funny to me though.

Our favourite is “Hell’s bells, Trudy!”. Hell’s bells needs to make a comeback.

Except that he didn’t deserve her.

My wife and I quote Pete and Trudy Campbell often. They were a great couple of characters.

Some people can’t help invading your space due to size, and that’s just the risk you take when you fly.

ALL of these rules, but especially this:

Who do we think is secretly Rob Kardashian? I would say adultosaur but we all know she’s actually Matt McGorry.

What if he’s a commenter.

I don’t know what the fuck Michael Jackson thought he was watching, because Prince doesn’t mess up. Prince is magical and Michael was obviously insane.

The man you shows up to your arraignment or to bail you out of jail is your husband.

Oh man, it just keeps getting better. I never ever ever want Rob and Chyna to break up.

Rob is “Ride or Die”.

I remember back in the olden days when The Learning Channel actually showed programs that you could learn interesting things from. I’ve no clue when they delved into “reality” tv.