Its not targeting competitive gaming though. Its targeted towards casual couch surfing.
Its not targeting competitive gaming though. Its targeted towards casual couch surfing.
I see your Michael and raise you a Double Life:
Well, submissive in the sack can be a turn-on but submissive behavior outside among the rest of the world can be a definite turn-off.
They want to kill every Windows OS that isn’t Windows 10 in an attempt to create vendor lock-in (gotta go through their marketplace to “legitimately” install something, and they’ll get a cut of each sale for sure) and to push for more people to buy/use Windows phones.
# 2 : yes , yes and re-yes !!!
Can we please just stop giving press to this shite. Both sides of ‘Gamergate’ are just as bad as each other with both sides just throwing out the same generic arguments at each other at the rarer of times but mostly just insult each other.
Sounds like you’re on the right path then. I wouldn’t expect anyone to eat perfectly, never indulge, or eat bad-tasting food purely for the nutrition. I sure don’t!
Jehuty and Anubis cosplay?! :D
I’m great at this game. Want to know a great tip?
I always brushed properly. But I never in my life was complimented by a dental hygienist about my dental hygiene until I started using an electric toothbrush for the full two minutes.
Yeah, stores near me always have chicken breasts for $1.99/lb which is the same price as tomatoes (not those fancy organic tomatoes mind you, just the regular ones) and other veggies are often quite pricey too. Now, frozen veggies can be had for much cheaper, but there is poor selection in what can be had from the…
I’m in zone 10a (Phoenix, AZ) and here the good shade trees are the Fantex Ash and the Raywood Ash. They grow to around 30’ tall and wide and don’t require a lot of maintenance. After their initial planting period, they also don’t require much water.
I planted my Fantex in my backyard about 5 years ago (it was about…
It’s way better to use an arduino board, an arduino micro w/ headers will cost you 25$ plus shipping and you can assign a button to each pin. If that’s too expensive for you, the teensy-LC (low cost) will be 11.65$ plus shipping and it’s more powerful than the arduino while being programmable just the same.
“there’s a big difference between getting caught up in a moment and having a months-long affair”
I completely disagree. You can’t ‘accidentally’ cheat. It’s a conscious decision not only to act on your feelings, but to allow yourself to feel the feelings. A faithful partner who starts feeling inappropriate feelings for…
Dat NeoTokyo soundtrack
Don’t get me wrong I think Shimoneta is the better show(or rather it started out the better show, as I feared the show has lost some steam for me, but not like I thought it would. I thought the jokes would get stale(they haven’t), but rather ever since Kosuri has appeared things just haven’t been as good as the…
I love these custom Doodles on Etsy. They come with quotes!…
Wrong. Millennials are in trouble because the baby boomers have robbed the system blind. Their greed has left the millenial generation (and all others) holding the bag for failed economic policies.
I just wished people everywhere (particularly in the US) would use their damn turn signals.
sigh. Guess I woke up the FF brigade. My problem isn’t that it’s Fantasy and I am well aware that there are various sources of science-fiction/fantasy that mixes and melds both modern and classic aethestic to create an alternate-universe. There are plenty of narratives that do this successfully. FFXV (as it is now)…