
Two different points, as I’ve stated elsewhere.

Allow me to quote the Oxford English dictionary.

“We thought this was a good idea until we realized someone might complain about it, then removed it.” would be more accurate

It’s true. Sobieski is great. It’s RIDICULOUS when you consider the price point. But it’s great at any price.

By “plenty capable” I think even the LC far exceeds 90% of the arduinos out there. It’s pretty much entirely the only one I use (except where my work forces an Uno for some customer stuff)

can be had for under 3$, or just work with the bare processor...

What do you choose if you need exactly two ‘ands’?

Even if you didn’t enjoy it, you have to understand why it won.

It strikes me as a particularly useless motivational phrase that requires one to eschew even the barest of critical thinking in order to suffer through more shitty work and feel better about it.

More a bag that happens to have a camera in it than a photography bag :D

For more information on the frame rate of the console version, Digital Foundry did a nice write-up of a performance analysis with accompanying videos. Here it is.

Yeah its just people tend to exaggerate both how expensive and how difficult freehand is. Depending how into it you get it can be either the cheapest way or the most expensive way. Depending on just how sharp you want your knives (and seriously there’s diminishing returns here at a certain point sharp is sharp) and


Now playing

“Hopefully not in this shithole. Hopefully I’ve won the lottery and I’m doing a bit better for myself!”

I can get hair whittling edges on my spyderco sharpmaker with the ultra fine stones. $80 vs $250.

The map says texting and driving is illegal in Texas. Not true. (Although there are ordinances in most of the big cities against it)

I would prefer to use a wheel, but I don’t have the desk space for it— it’s covered in music gear. :D

I just tried using the left touchpad for steering in Dirt Rally, and it was a pretty abysmal experience. It just didn’t work for me at all. I didn’t have any confidence or precision with it. But with thousands of hours

With the new screen-click-zone feature they added last night, you could probably have streamed your display (or a region of it) to the controller and touch it. be awesome for mobas with mini-maps

Actually that’s why I remapped it, as a dpad with touch activation rather than click and haptic turned up it is a really excellent and sensitive dpad which is brilliant for things like SMB. The joystick also works but has a slight delay on it in comparison.

Gonna disagree with Mechavolt, I’ve found the Steam Controller better in pretty much any game designed around a pad, except games that call for a traditional d-pad.