
Hey man, I sympathize with where you are coming from on the outside, but I have to say, having played (checks steam) 2199 hours of DOTA 2 as of today, I’m 100% sure that I would buy DOTA 3 at full retail price and be happy. Between Compendiums and Treasure Chests, which I have bought relatively few, I have probably

It kind of is more of a stretch though. Suspending disbelief for the procedure that applied adamantium to him goes along with his power, even if it would have to push that power to an extreme.

They’re defining value strictly as housing market growth vs economic growth, so there’s actually a pretty clear standard here. But I get your point—there’s definitely the personal preference thing to consider with any of these lists.

For those getting the auto-upgrade from Win 7/8/8.1, will we be getting a separate license code as well? I’m just unsure about the clean install without a key tied to the old OS.

as much as they’d like to pretend otherwise, gaming media absolutely did and do ignore actual engagement of sarkeesian’s claims in order to focus on the more bombastic reactions of the “neckbeards” who found a captive audience in a sycophantic press that wanted everyone to laugh at the poorly socialized sexists. this

you might be able to find original Xboxes at locally owned gamestores.

It seems the theme for Nintendo this year - at least regarding the 3DS - is to take the worst entries in beloved franchises (Metroid Prime Hunters and Zelda: Four Swords, respectively) and release pseudo-sequels that nobody asked for.

I’m sorry, but that’s no good. You’re making too much sense. Your argument is just too logical, and not black-and-white enough.

That’s a fair rebuttal, and I will agree with you.

You raise a good point. I mean, people have been listened to Beethoven or Bach’s material for, I dunno, hundreds of years. High time someone new takes a crack at it!

They actually review each and every product individually. The regulation is basically that you can’t embed choking hazards inside candy that will appeal to children under 3. Kinder Eggs have been reviewed numerous times (about every 5 years, it seems), and every time the review board finds that they are precisely what

Looking good to me. I like how the darker areas aren’t so dark as to not being able to see anything like in Doom 3. And the veriticality is a nice change of pace for this series. The gruesome ways of dismembering and meleeing demons is great too. And they even have a Halo style Forge mode. It’s looking a lot more

I think Merlin is the same database as, only with a step-by-step ID interface for novices.

I watch VERY few animus, maybe 1 or 2 a season because most are cluttered with Garbage Moe shit or SOL, ‘deconstruction’ animes or Harems or a combination of all four.

While driving too slow in traffic can be a hazard, the general concept of “going with the flow” of traffic isn’t going to get you out of a speeding ticket.

I feel a lot of series suffer from a lack of foresight and follow through. I imagine that many series are picked up because they are led by strong conceptualists that start with good ideas, but end up throwing too many balls in the air never intending to catch them before they hit the ground.

I am certain this has diminishing returns. If you live 3-5 miles from work, I can see it being a huge benefit. but I live 45 miles from work and I guarantee that my quality of life will nose dive when I increase my commute from 60 minutes to 2 hours. Actually who am I kidding, I will not be able to keep a 20-25mph

One of the best ways to soundproof is called a staggered (or double-stud) wall. A conventional 2x4 wall uses 2x4 studs and 2x4 sole plate and top plates where drywall is mounted on both sides of the studs. This means that any vibrations that occur on one side of the wall travels directly from the drywall to the stud

I would worry a bit about a soundproofing scheme that makes the whole wall into a single vibrating object. If you are building from scratch, you should consider alternating offset studs that are not coupled together—sheetrock for one room is screwed to one set of studs, sheetrock for the other room is screwed to a

Level-5’s genius was in the details they put in, and they actually managed to get DQ IX to look pretty close to VIII on the DS in that sense, so it’ll definitely look quite nice on the 3DS.