
The US PS2 version already had the symphonic soundtrack.

We didn’t have them in Arizona but I agree they would be a great option for a porch or otherwise screened in area.

The success of these games proves they’re profitable...

Vote: Rdio

Nintendo’s not finished, but it’s original ethos of being for the consumer is long gone.

agreed, i was torn between the two until i realised i could just put any desktop cpu in the alpha plus play games at pretty decent setting, also good luck finding the m.2 ssd drives you need for the current NUC....


Not t mention saving Malik non-lethal *and Ghost*.

I played the game all the way through twice and did non-lethal both times. I had to reload that part SOOO many times. The slight element of randomness really made it a bitch. Oh, and the fact that sometimes EMP grenades would kill people?

There’s that achievement where you have to beat the game without killing anyone. Includes the prologue where you are unaugmented and can’t melee =.=

The 3rd person switches always felt like an elegant solution to a fundamental problem with most gaming platforms. There is something fundamentally uncomfortable about being limited to first person perspective without actually having real world peripheral vision (along with other sensory input)... particularly in a

Same here, but I did find a replacement - this open-source Astrid-clone: Tasks.

I've had a rough two years. New job, awesome benefits, travel, upgrade in pay.. then management change the day I started.. it was 6 month countdown to my being laid off. Then it took 9 months to get another gig which only lasted 4 months, now just recently back at it full time, feeling like this will be the keeper.

Several years ago, I received unemployment benefits - another victim of the dot-com bubble bursting. Application was simple enough, I showed up to the regional unemployment benefits office, sat in their instructional lecture (some were less-than-enthused to be there), and knew what I had to do to receive benefits

Vote: Kobo Glo HD

It absolutely blows my mind that people have an opinion like yours. There is NO logical reason to remove voice chat from a game. Period. It’s simple logic: You give the player an easy option to completely turn it off and mute specific players, and boom you satisfy both types of gamers. Why is this ridiculously simple

“Remove it from the equation, and the only thing stopping anyone from hating you is getting to know you first.”

Good eye! Its based on a futuristic 1911 with walther aesthetics!

I thought they were going to be painfully embarrassing because the first picture shows the girls sort of hiding their faces, as though they were ashamed of being photographed like that.