
You literally picked the few games with shitty drm like rockstars social club and gfwl. 90% of games on pc are download, click play.

Now playing

You want to know why Sony scored low for me?

Well said, we don't totally agree on every point, but I'm impressed with your statements. I just have a less negative view toward Nintendo, and that's fine, it's all about opinions.

I personally don't care, they just handled it poorly. They've had some amazing female characters (Liberation had a main female) and Black Flag had Mary who was one of the most badass characters in the game.

This is a mountain made from a molehill. Video games were better when people stooped trying to inject their social commentaries into them and just enjoyed the game. Not everything is an attack on gender, race, or sexual preferences and and people are becoming overly sensitive to a point where it's almost silly.

I getcha. I guess it all comes down to personal taste. Xenoblade immediately hooked me with it's characters, sountrack, environment and combat. I guess we're all just wired differently =)

I don't understand this line of thinking. Buying something is a two-way transaction. Lots of people are in different situations. If someone only wants to play 1 or 2 games on a system, it's not likely to represent much value to them, no matter how nice the hardware is. No one's asking Nintendo to bankrupt themselves.

No need to be insulting. I make more than enough money to buy one at full price but it's just not worth it to me at full price.

Some of the stuff they've "dismissed" kinda made sense from a cost standpoint at the time, or otherwise came from experience. Nintendo had done some online gaming and functionality in the past, but successful as it was, it didn't match up to the typical co-op experience offline. I don't agree with the decisions of the

The combat is actually engaging. You need to learn how to play first

Really? Environment is the ONLY redeeming factor? Not even the soundtrack? ;_;

Well it *is* still in development! :)

Whoa......... I personally didn't think the intro was that bad. But either way, you need to push past it. The story is actually amazing. It starts off seeming very cliched and then goes crazy.

I don't know if you played Xenogears or the Xenosaga trilogy, but they followed the same pattern as Xenoblade in story development. That's Takahashi's style, so it seems: spend 2/3 of the game with introduction/exposition and the last third wiping the floor with other video game story-writers (sans Sakaguchi-san).

Oh the story is definitely not so good at the beginning. It's in the latter middle part onwards where things get interesting

Sorry persona 5 exists. But yeah, I want this game.

If you look at the trailer, the very first few seconds, a text comes in that says "Only on Playstation". Please learn to read. Thank you.

Well. I'm just guessing here, but I think Necro is right.

That's sad because as a subscriber to OXM, you should have been well aware this was a hidden demo on one of demo discs. I remember when I found this, it was so damned awesome.

no pets and forever unmade beds. Man, you're life is depressing me.